My friends and I were fooling around today at school and somehow we thought of Sagwa that Chinese cat thing. The theme song has a sticky ring to it; hao peng you, hao peng you, sagwa shi wo de hao peng you... I used to reaD my textbooks or doing exercise C on my math book while watching the show. I can't believe I still remember it after all these years. And the funny things is that Sagwa's parents are called mama miao and papa miao. Haha... You would think that was stupid enough but we gave ourselves nicknames. Crystal = Sa Lao Gua, Sabina = Sha Gua, Vicky = Shen Jing Gua, Nick = Ai Gua and I am Sam Ba Gua... LOL.
Yesterday when we are rushing for Crystal, Sabina and Joshua's global warming project which I offered to help, we cut lots of magazines especially Astro View and Dewan Siswa. We cut one of the astro magazine cover face and Ang was putting her face through the hole. Haha. More details at Crystal's blog. But we made the poster come together just in time although it did not match the correct paper size. It was actually smaller than the required size but we were not alone since some other teams did not know about it also. But I think it looks kinda nice, too bad I did not take any photos before we handed the poster in as soon as the school bells started to ring.