Orientation is disorientating me, bsh.
Finally today's the last day of orientation! Oh joy, for once I can't wait for lessons to start, rotting everyday at school, lounging in the common room and going up and down the stairs (not MY idea okay). My school DOES NOT have a proper library, bsh, worst ever, the library is called a resource room and it's as big as my closet, yay. Oh and that so called library only has weird books about psychology, business management stuff and Cambodia, I will never understand, ever.
I miss my money, so so much :( Had to buy my textbooks today, bsh, explode! They costed me $350, AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS, bsh, books didn't even cost so much when I had like ten subjects in TTSS. I only have five subjects and half of the books are online books, whut, burning my wallet, have to starve now till I can access my bank account. BSH. I hate online books, I can't doodle on them, I have to stare at the computer to study, I have to pay like $80 each for them and they expire after one year! Mehhhh, darn.
Oh, I also WAS FORCED to buy a new calculator because mine is not allowed. Seriously, I just don't see the difference, oh wait, the new calculator has rounder buttons and different colour, oh I see what you did there.
Ahhh, I hate walking. I. Hate. Walking. So. Much. I missed my stop today because I fell asleep on the bus, forgot to press the bell so the bus will stop at my stop (so many stops, stop). Bsh, I had to get off at the next stop, which thankfully is at the mall, which thankfully is still near but also far. And. I. Had. To. Walk. Even. More. Walk moarrr!!!
Okay, I guess I complain too much, lulz. I'll blog about happy stuff next time, like the absence of pilaks :)