Monday, June 11, 2012

The Explaining of the Unexplained

  I have been contemplating *pffft* to change the blog URL, but as you can see, you're still here, so obviously I did not change it. It is a weird address, most people say so, by that I mean Sabina and Joshua. So here is the story behind it:

  One day I started a blog. The mementomori address was taken and I hate numbers and underscores and that cinabeng xoxo thing. Thus, I used my game ID. And from there it just stuck, forever. In short, I just used some random word. Obviously it has no meaning, so don't try to decode it. Hahaha. 

  Now you know. And thank you for being an outlet for my frustration and stress by reading this over yet another 1000 word report. I was trying to amuse myself. Ha ha ha. I will now laugh to myself and try to accept the fact that I may end up working as a waitress and part time car washer in the future. 

And I also realize that 83% of my blog posts are about procrastinating and stressing over school, 17% are about my life events and the other 40% are about things I find funny.  *Actual statistics may vary

  Back to the point, I'm supposed to be coughing up an essay on deforestation. But guess where I am? Here, coughing up a not-so-comforting comfort post. Then I have to explain global warming. I skyped with Sabina and Joshua and they were extremely helpful, to the point that I cannot comprehend, apparently I am suggested to throw compliments to the examiner, i.e. What is global warming?

1. You are so hot.
2. Somebody call the fireman, because you are on fire.
3. Somebody close that grill, because you are too hot to handle.
4. The song 12 days of global warming *adapted from a traditional song tsk tsk*, which goes like this: On the first day of deforestation, it was hot. On the second day of deforestation, it was hotter than the first. 

If a picture were worth a thousand words, I would hand in this picture as my assignment. Ha. Ha.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yesterday's Paper

I saw this funny thing somewhere. Sometimes, the three words that can make a girl happiest is not I love you but *deng deng* 'YOU LOST WEIGHT'. Hahaha. Sorry that was lame but oh look, it's already June and I didn't write anything for a month. So here is a list of things I wanted to write about, but didn't, because you know, I'm busy doing nothing, not quite done with it yet, oh and exams might have been one of the reasons but I doubt it: 

  1. Joshua Chang got his MBBS offer letter, like finally! Praise the Lord, Amen. Congrats bro. 
  2. Crystal got her IMU offer letter, also congrats. God bless your soul and face. 
  3. I'm going to have my semester two exams, which is life-changing because it will determine my life. *obvious fact is obvious*
  4. Semester two exams ended. To flunk or not to flunk? It has been decided.
  5. Like a month ago. 
  6. I took IELTS.
  7. I got my IELTS results :(
  8. That was also a month ago. 
  9. Joshua and Crystal are going to face A-Levels exams. Good luck to them.
  10. A-Levels exams are over. Party time.
  11. It ended like two weeks ago actually. 
  12. My last two school holidays were too awesome!
  13. They were also last month's news. 
  14. The Avengers is an awesome movie!
  15. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter on the other hand is just, ridiculous. Haha. 
  16. Cabin in the Woods is also a funny thriller movie, go watch it! It's borderline ridiculous, and it has everything in it, and I mean literally everything. *hint hint*
  17. Oh and you may now whatsapp me! Please don't viber, I have a strong inclination away from viber. In other words, please don't viber. You may contact me at, toll free ;)

Now, wasn't this a productive day? I just filled in on what happened last month. Ha. Ha. On the other hand, I just realized that I'm going to have two close friends who are doctors. Whoa. 

And this is how I feel right now.

And no, I am not going to be a doctor :(