And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey. |
It's about time I said this, I have finally graduated, after a year and a half officially in college and another half which I never completed. Honestly, that photo had nothing to do with my days in college or anything I'm about to write, I just really wanted to post it, ha ha. 硬硬来. *lame inside joke about forcing everything down*
As you may have seen, I am incapable of writing anything serious, or at least sentimental. But oh well, this will do. One and a half years in West Malaysia have not been easy, mostly because of the fact that my home is over the ocean, and I'm extremely not used to the place ahem. Worst part ever, every Friday I have to watch everyone go home, by bus or some of the super lucky ones, by their parents' car. Really jelly, because if my home was in West Malaysia, my parents would probably pick me up every Friday too. But meh, the plane is still a plane, it's not a bus I can take to go home every weekend, because I POOR. Anyway, somehow time passes pretty quickly, eventually, and now I can finally say I HAVE GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE. To all of my friends who are already in uni and thinking I'm forever in college, ha! I am future uni student now. At least, I hope, fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed.
For the whole time in college, I've always been in class D, no not my grade pls, as in literally my class, D for Dowerin and later, Deakin. And honestly it has been pretty awesome, I've met nice people and had good lecturers tsk tsk. Deakin was tollay the most awesome class ever, and the we pretty much live by the phrase - Cuti-cuti Deakin. Simply put, we had lots of free time ahem. And the timetable is pretty much, well, loose ;) Though that doesn't really stop me from sleeping excessively and also super early.
Well, I've went to many places (to procrastinate tsk tsk) because I'm a sakai from East Malaysia where we live on trees, especially the Cameron Highlands last minute trip which was supposed to be for research but we ended up eating strawberries all day, and the research topic wasn't even related to strawberries, not even close, it was about green tea. Not exactly the model student I know. The result - brought back a piece of leaf which isn't even a tea leaf and holiday brochures from the travel agency. Haha. Ahh good times. It kinda reminds me of JZhong, kinda. But really, Cameron Highlands is pretty awesome, if the bus ride up there doesn't kill you, tollay took me like 7 hours to get there by bus. *extremely exaggerated figure, actual time taken is plus minus 5 hours* The most awesome thing to do, is to have steamboat dinner at Cameron, because the weather is cold and it's cool (literally). And there was this awesome Japanese restaurant opened by a gweilo called Kougen and I actually went there twice in two days. Or maybe it could be due to the lack of food in that particular area, but still, it was really good.
Got this cool notebook from the graduation dinner awsm. |
Anyway, I am now home with my soul, and my dorm is now non-existent since I cleared everything and carried them home, LITERALLY CARRIED. Weighed like 40kg, that's like carrying another person home. And I just realised how freaky that phrase sounded. Okay, don't mind me. One of the highlights of the year was sports day, which should rightfully be called sports night, because it's held at night. Why? Just because. My course got FIRST runner-up this year so we were all partying the night away, considering the fact that we got last place last year. By partying I mean, watching Running Man and eating Chipsmore at my place. Ahh Running Man, the show that keeps us up at night watching together celebrating post-exams, or in some cases, pre-exam. Gee, I am a terrible example.
So in the end, college life is officially over. Let my holiday hobo life begin! It's kinda hard to summarise everything that happened in college, but well let's just say that it was an eye-opener, figuratively. I still have Asian eyes.
Now I shall regain my orang KK status, no longer orang KL woots! |
p.s This is not a guide to an actual college life.