Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Party at my place

Hello, I have moved to a new cave.

It's here:

Please bring house-warming gifts because I am poor.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Can you?

Highlight of the year - Starting uni.

And here's a guide to skipping or not skipping classes.

  It's been pretty busy and slightly insane because I have quizzes starting from week 1. Oh well, at least it's not college anymore and I don't have 8 to 4 classes every day.

  Here is an interesting story about my life:

  I bought a printer and it didn't come with a USB cable. I. did. not. know. that. So I had to become a person-who-has-a-printer-but-can't-connect-it-to-print-anything-and-so-is-equal-to-not-having-a-printer person. Oh and my laptop CD drive also broke, great timing! 

  Yea, that's like the most interesting thing that has happened to me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Get it, or not

Sup, so it is that time of the year again.

No, not CNY, I use the angmoh calendar #joke #notreally #lol #Idk #hashtag

It is that time of the year again, to complain about school holidays ending and leaving home! It's a tradition, because after I graduate I will never get the chance to complain about school anymore. 

I had this super long holiday which lasted like forever, but accually iz onli three months. Three awesome months with nothing to do! Best. Holiday. Ever. Since SPM of course. And according to underachievers principle, I accomplished absolutely NOTHING in this three months, did not touch a book, or ATM machine, apparently got to max level in an online game, almost finished an anime, stalked my email account almost religiously but not really, and also never ate breakfast because I never saw mornings again. I wonder what the sun looks like. So hooray you can now feel better about yourself, I am actually giving motivation to everyone by revealing how useless I was for the past months. And if you feel like you have no friends, don't worry because I haven't socialised since I graduated college. Please don't talk to me in real life, I might get an anxiety attack, social skills minus nine thousand, IT'S UNDER NINE THOUSAND! *desipo voice: no not really please talk to me I have no friends* I kid. Or am I.

So, although I really feel like I am actually rotting on the insides, not sure if I really am rotting literally, I seriously wish this holiday would not end. But that would be get inch want foot *得寸进尺*, whoa I couldn't figure that pinyin at first. Because everything good always comes to an end, sigh. 

Pros: I am FINALLY going to uni. 
Cons: I so malas to go lah. 

Three months of holiday will end in about a week. Haih, for once I wish I celebrated CNY, super jelly people who have so much fun in this season. They have all their events to go to and I'm just sitting here like, go enjoy your party, I hate being happy anyway. 

But hey, people aren't born to give you attention right *wink* *uncontrollable sobbing in background*

Oh sorry, I'm a nag. Ha. Ha.

Happy CNY. I hope you lose all your gambles!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Day after Tomorrow

Is my New Year's Resolution bro. 

Okay, I may have taken it one step too far. 
1920x1080 is a little too extreme for Facebooking.
But not Facebook stalking hek hek.

  I realise that it may be a little too late to update on my New Year's Eve party, but I am going to do it anyway. Late is a relative term. The shortest way to describe it would be: BEST. NEW. YEAR'S. EVE. EVER. Hooray for 2013!

Actual BBQ ftw.

  I didn't spend New Year's in KK this year. Like how I usually spend it gawking at fireworks along the beach highway sitting alone at my balcony and then receiving New Year's texts and spamming people back. Ah good times. That was by choice okay, it's not like I wanted to go party or spend it with my friends partying or go somewhere awesome, come on that's so-- who am I kidding. Not by my choice, by other people's choice :( Hahaha. JK. Anyway, I went on a trip and had the most awesome omelette ever for the second time. It's still the most awesome omelette ever, even if someone thinks I oversold it and does not agree. A+ to the omelette. Anyone who wants to test out my statement can go to the Tip of Borneo in Kudat and look for the gweilo's restaurant that rents surfboards and order it. I. Dare. You. 

Welcome to the Kudat Golf and Marina Resort.
Would you like some rain with your fog?

  It was raining the whole day on New Year's Day. Just the weather being indecisive. It rained for ten minutes and then got heavier and then stopped and then showers again. Mother nature must be a teenage girl or Katy Perry, cos you're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no. But well good thing it stopped when I got to the Tip of Borneo. Yeap, I went to the Tip of Borneo to send 2012 off. 

And this is me trying to go with it. 

But decided not to, and fetched 2013 instead.

  In summary, that was the bestest two day party ever. I pretty much spent most of it in Kudat, didn't really do much and slept in the car a lot due to lack of sleep and tv watching till 3am. Oh and I YOLO-ed, first YOLO of the year, now I can YLMT *you live many times* by standing at the edge of the world (read: Borneo).

Literally the Tip of Borneo.
#noedit #nozoom #nofilter #nohashtag #Itookthisphoto #seriously #hashtag

So, what are your New Year's resolutions this year?
I'm just gonna use last year's resolutions because well, I'm not done with them.
Not a single one. Pls don't judge me. 
At least I upgraded my resolution, screen resolution. *lame pun*

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Changes changed

So I changed my template.

Your noticing has been noted. Congrats.

Uhh yeah, so happy new year!