School opened today, well, for one day only. It's pretty pointless having to go to school today. We just sat around in class and talk, at least until it was 1.50pm. All of the test papers were returned before it was even lunch break, didn't have much to do. One good thing was that the scholastic books which I ordered 2 MONTHS or more ago arrived but I realized I ordered all the wrong books. I had 5 books, 2 of which were cheesy romance novels which I am seriously getting tired of and 2 more weird books which I don't think you should know what it contains. At least I got another book by Sally Nicholls, who is a pretty good author^^
As the title implies, today was also a bummer due to quite a few contributing factors. I got bad, as in where-the-heck-did-the-rest-of-my-brain-go and I-broke-the-low-records-and-was-given-a-spot-in-the-idiot's-hall-of-fame kind of bad, horrible, disappointing, crappy, terrible, depressing, wallpaper-peeling, [insert word(s) with similar context here] etc. exam results. This is so not a good year, it's like one of the worst in my life, or most likely is. I am not entirely in a good mood right now, feels like I'm gonna snap at the next person who talks to me.
In a totally separate situation, it's just a wonder that 26 alphabets could spell so many words, that have so many different meanings. And the words, when put together, could mean so much...
- To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks -