Sunday, March 14, 2010

π Day!

'Modular house and cabin for sale'
-Means: Do you want to buy a container to live in?

   Yess!! I watched Alice in Wonderland yesterday!! And it was great!! The Mad Hatter was totally mad and the March Hare is even madder (is that even a word...)! Haha, okay, I'm just too excited. My group of 8 people just suddenly shrunk to 2 people since MOST of them couldn't come but what the heck, it was still really fun. 

  Due to distance restrictions, we had to go to CP to watch it, which by the way, was not a good idea. The cinema was freakin crowded, it was like Christmas all over again. There were long queues at every counter but the longest queue has got to be in the toilet, haha. I was lucky to be able to watch the movie in hall 8, which is the newest and largest hall. Unfortunately, it was a full house and I had to sit next to a bunch of hooligans who apparently would squeal over the sight of a rabbit. Pity them... they must never have seen a rabbit before...*sigh* 

  I'm so totally in love with Alice's hair, it's so pretty and wavy and curly all at the same time. The movie was really interesting to watch, it was filled with strange and eccentric characters, namely the White Queen, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter and so on. Well, if you watched it then you'll get it. I think the movie was 1 hour and 45 minutes long, long enough to not be a rip-off, haha. One thing about the movie was the background scenes that look reallyyy cool, I wonder how they did it. All in, Alice in Wonderland is utterly great!

  Next up, Toy Story 3, Remember Me (I AM NOT A FAN OF ROBERT PATTINSON), Salt, Prince of Persia, LOVELY BONES and uhhh... more (not in chronological order XD).


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