I went to core today and I gotta say: Macam tiada. Running alone is boring, seriously boring, horribly boring and gah, bore me to my bones (what...). Burnt some calories and went to eat, like what... And then went on that bike thing for ten minutes and barely even sweat. In conclusion, I didn't do anything helpful at all. Well, at least now I know 200 calories is a lot, really A LOT.
Sabina talked about having a J3 Zhong reunion when we're thirty five, cool, haha. It would be so fun to see what would happen to everyone at that time, and to know under which bridge I would be living in and which of Joshua's factory I'm gonna be working in and how many children someone's gonna have and hahahaha. Oh, and I'm gonna win the bet, definitely, period.
Hmmmm, it's not about finding the perfect one, but the one perfect for you, right? Grrrr....