Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nothing. Everything.

  Big difference? Not really.

  So, everything is going on, nothing is going on, sigh. I am supposedly studying now and supposedly not going to touch the computer for a week, but then I MUST CHECK MY EMAIL or I'll die. Seriously, okay, that was a lie, but still it's important =D. Probably waiting for an email of rejection from some college, but then, hmmm, I don't think they'd send those out. They wouldn't even tell you you're rejected, but then... Hmmm...

  My holiday is ending! Not that I had much of a holiday. Well, it was fun (more like wasting time) while it lasted. Blabber, blabber, blabber.

  I guess I'm gonna take the road less taken? Paranoid, again. Grr.

p.s. I'm going to stay off the computer for the week! I hope...

That procrastination book that I read didn't help one bit... Inefficient book!

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