Sunday, October 10, 2010

Take a right turn to the right way

  I just met my opponent today and I'm just gonna call her Hello Kitty girl because she was carrying this HUGE Hello Kitty head bag, as in the bag is Hello Kitty head shaped. She kinda freaked me out because I've never seen anyone dress like that and is 17, and she had a pair of huge staring eyes. Haha, okay, she was only almost my opponent, had I decided to take the same path as her. But I didn't because Hello Kitty girl is rich and I'm not, so yeah.

  I think my persona just upgraded today, somehow... Haha. 

The second star to the right
Shines in the night for you
To tell you that the dreams you plan
Really can come true 

p.s. Peter Pan is awesome! =) 

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