Monday, March 21, 2011


  It's supposed to be autumn, it's supposed to be autumn, it's supposed to cool down. The temperature's been rising back again, 31 degrees tomorrow, what. So so hot, this weather is horrible for sleeping and I have no air conditioning, bsh. I am so allergic to heat. 

  Meanwhile back at the ranch, SPM RESULTS, WEDNESDAY. The. Coming. Wednesday. Ahh, I'm starting to freak out, paranoia! Well, I don't really expect much, but deep down there's still that hope that a miracle will come true and I would miraculously get awesome results. What are the odds of that. Other than that, scholarships have been on my mind recently, haha, despo for scholarships suddenly. I never actually thought of applying for scholarships since I'm overseas and stuff but hmmmm... what if... hmmmm. That is, if my results are actually good enough, I fail. 9A* is obviously way too much to ask for, not in a million years would I be that smart or hardworking or both, haha. So, sleepless nights before the SPM results are released, check. 

*fingers crossed*


Sabina L said...

ZOMG cuteness overwhelming!
come to the u.k. apply scholarship here ;)

vanessa said...

Lulz, UK seems reallyyyyy nice right about now