Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Guess what I found

Golden Delicious apples! R A R E

  After months and years of searching (okay, I exaggerated), I finally found the Golden Delicious apple, just awesome. Apparently they're in season now, along with the less superior Red Delicious apple and other applesss, haha. I was looking all over KK for this apple, went to all Tong Hing supermarkets and found the boring Royal Gala apple and redundant stuff. I feel so weird, writing about apples like I'm obsessed with them. Well, I'm not obsessed, at least not that obsessed. 

  I miss bringing apples to school for lunch. I used to bring 3 apples to school which I would give some away. Hmmm, why don't I bring apples to school anymore? I don't know, too lazy to bother. My school bag is always so heavy, if I can leave something at home, I WILL. That leads to me not bringing lunch even when there's tons of food in the fridge or skipping lunch, because lunch boxes are heavy, very heavy ;) Ahh, my school bag was really heavy back in high school also (woah, that sounds like ages ago), like carrying rocks,  but then I didn't have to walk back then, get in the car, get out of the car, walk up to classroom at 3rd floor. Repeat everyday forever. High school was awesome, best years of my life ever, now if only I could go back :)

Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off
- Ellen DeGeneres

Thank you Ellen DeGeneres! :D

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