Of all the ridiculous expressions people use - and people use a great many ridiculous expressions - one of the most ridiculous is "No news is good news." "No news is good news simply means that if you don't hear from someone, everything is probably fine, and you can see at once why this expression makes such little sense, because everything being fine is only one of the many, many reasons why someone may not contact you.
-Lemony Snicket
So we're like tripods eh, according to Sabina.
Yes, we all have education crisis.
Cha-ching, everything needs money
They say money doesn't buy happiness
They lied!
Aww man
We can't live together no more
We can't skype while in the same house
We can't throw away our cellphones
We can't have GF mode and deepest darkest secrets moments
We can't troll people together
Dear Forever Alone, yes, you will be forever alone. Unless writing stick somehow goes there! Bsh, I so jelly, jelly, jelly. If only all 3 strands are rich like the royal family in UK, we would all be in the same timezone now. And forever, okay, maybe not, that kinda sounds creepy. Oh well, Jesus take the wii. Take it from a hen. Aww man, why can't life be like high school, where we only worry about changing seats and not changing countries. And yes, I wanna go UK, but 树欲静而风不止!Okay, I don't really know what that means, but the point is, I want to go but I can't. Like since forever. Problems on the financial sector and my management sector ;) If you know what I mean, haha. Well, a decision shall be made, after I eat this cookie! Speak Memeglish forever! Leak the internet!
Dear Face Chang, hello future forever-bachelor-surfing-and-diving-doctor-and-marine-biologist-living-in-Cairns-and-studying-in-JCU-with-hospital-and-aquaria-and-tangyuan-kilang-where-I-will-not-work-as-printer-or-be-in-the-printing-department, you lack perseverance. Go get some. Jesus will take your wii. You should get on your bike, and go, just go, go and start a business somewhere, or most preferably a hospital.
Education crisis, macam tiada. Back then. Haha.