Wednesday, May 18, 2011


  I bought a bottle of soap bubbles thingy at Kmart last week. Now I've been obsessively addicted to it, bubbles! It's so awesome, awesomely fun. I spent hours playing with it at the park, my neighbours must have thought I'm weird or something. Haha. 

Can someone please explain to me the difference between dubstep, techno and electronica?
dubstep is like wahwahwahwahwahwahwah
and techno is like uns uns uns uns uns uns
and electronica is like deedledeedledeenerdoodeedledoodeedle

   The calendar's days, are numbered. *lame pun* My days, are also numbered. *It's okay, it's okay. I'm not gonna die there. Repeat saying that to myself for infinity times.* I guess I'm just excruciatingly picky. I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die, I'll make it, I hope. 


Anonymous said...

so funny oh ^^

vanessa said...

haha, funny meh