Friday, June 10, 2011


O so empty, so so empty. My days are so so empty.

Oh lookie, a package from Aussy. 
From myself. 
To myself. 
At least my books are finally here. 
Postage is such a rip off, costed me my life savings just to mail my life treasures home. Lulz.

On another note,
Another Twilight movie is coming out soon, oh yay! Geeee

I'm pretty sure they didn't spend any of their budget on acting lessons for Kristen Stewart. That emotionless face must totally be natural talent, she's a born natural for that role. You can't learn stuff like that from acting lessons, you just don't ;)

Anticipation overwhelming!! *pfft* Took them 3 movies to get married. Edward and Bella abusive relationship much, haaa. Team Black Eyed Peas! ;)


Sabina L said...


vanessa said...

Of course, you totally need cha-ching to get that glittery-and-shiny-and-anaemic-looking-paper-white-skin-vampire look ;)