Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rank Up!

  I celebrated Malaysia Day with the Queen of Awesomasia. Pretty ironic ;) According to Kah Peng, Sunway would not be infested with people on a public holiday. He was wrong. Then according to Sabina, it took him forever to find a parking. And after that it almost took him forever to find the car. Oops. Car park help. Tsk tsk tsk.

  The line at the cinemas was totally creepy. I got there before Sabina and it was completely infested with people. I couldn't find the end of the line. Turns out the line ends in some dark corner that looks like tartarus. Everyone so desipo to watch movie, Johnny English had like, 5 seats left. And they're not joined in a row. Forever alone. Watch movie alone. 

  To all the children out there (regardless of age): Do not accept free candy. And ice cream trucks are pedobear in disguise. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, actually, just hide yo kids, because pedobear is out to get them. 

  Skating rink also infested. Infested with trolls. Y they so show off. What happens if my hand accidentally spasm and pushes them. What if. Haha. There was this photographer who kept asking if we wanted pictures. 3 times. I believe we have made our point, haha. He said to Sabina 'you must be a pretty successful person'. A winner is him! 

  Bshshsh, internet line is the crappy. Upload photos is the cannot. See the awesomeness of Ninja Joe is the not possible. Retreat to your imagination people. Retreat. 


Sabina L said...

HAHAHAHAHA tartarus!
yes, i am very the successful.

vanessa said...

yes, important meeting on skating rink.