Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Adventure is out there!

And by out there, I mean Bukit Bintang area in KL. 
Berpesta pesta with Crystal and trying to become oreng KL. Ape awek mau?

  I was supposed to have extra classes till 4pm instead of the usual 12pm which made Crystal freak out and call a tour guide. Miraculously, extra classes were cancelled at the last minute. Then magically, English class was also cancelled and school ended at 10pm, yay. I teleported *process to long to explain* to KLCC and party on Friday. Why? Because it's Friday! Gotta get down on Friday. 

  We were party hopping in KL, hopped from KLCC to Times Square to J W Marriott to Pavilion to Star Hill Gallery because Pavilion was closed and then to Seven Eleven.  Berpesta pesta all day. We had euphoric chicken thingy at Jake's. No, Jake is not a person. It's a restaurant with waiters dressed as cowboys in a hidden world. Like 桃花世界, okay I think that's not the right expression, google says its called 世外桃源. Hidden magical world of food and elaborate decorations. For a moment there I lost my bearings and thought I left Malaysia. Hmm. So the waiters dress like cowboys, complete with a vest, I wonder how they go home every night after work. It must be really awkward to be walking on the street looking like a cowboy with the boots and all. 

  Partying, can you feel the party?!

  Adventure continues on Saturday at Pavilion. Almost splurged. But I did not. I just found out Pavilion has a Typo store! Stun. It was totally one of my favourite stores in Aussy and I thought I would never see it again. Except the outlet in Pavilion doesn't have profanity like the original store, tsk tsk ;)

No more freedom (what little freedom I have left) for now. Two weeks and it'll be over! :) 

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