And that is the story of Awesomasia, which is an awesomazing country although we have no flag and no anthem. So,
And now, this is the REAL story of Awesomasia and what actually happened,
On the 30th of March 2010, three people were really really bored in S2 XIAO and apparently not sleepy enough to sleep, so they made a country and called it Awesomasia, derived from the words awesome + Asia + awesomazing, NOT awesome + Malaysia. They wanted to defeat the country of Sealand because they heard it only has a population of 27. Btw, the princess comes from S2 ZHONG. Angelababe may have caused the sienzz-ness.
But the fake version was wayy cooler so we're going to stick with that one.
Make sure you memorize the Prince's full name, because it is really long:
Dr. Joshua Face Chang Hin Seng Alejandro Manzano Pen James Pocamantas Jjosh23
(MBBS, MDE, minor in Dentistry and Tang Yuan manufacturing)
Conquering the UK
p.s This is pretty much what we do in high school, when we're not sleeping.
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