Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tell Me I'm Funny

Here's the greatest, and possibly shortest, fairy tale ever:

  Once upon a time, I survived SAM with flying colours. Then I lived stress free and happily ever after. The End. 

  Oh, go to college they said, it's like a party life they said. They lieeeed. I'm the most hermit and hobo person ever. And not to mention broke, that one's very important. So hey, I'm finally down to the last semester! Considering that I have never finished any proper education ever since primary school, that is a great achievement, tsk tsk. Still, I wish I could have graduated, like officially graduate from TTSS, oh well. Nostalgia forever haunting me, I still miss those days so so much. Senior years were way too awesome. Funny thing that I sometimes thought I was in S2 Zhong when I was actually in S2 Xiao. Ha, epic fail. 

  Anywayyy, Bon Odori is on this coming Saturday, which is pretty awesome and I desipo to go. Last year was extremely awesome but super infested. Bon Odori's this Japanese festival for, something. I hate crowds, does that make me antisocial? But well, there'll be fireworks which are pretty much something I'd kill to watch, because you know, what reason would there be to dislike explosives in the sky?! 

  So in order to kill time, have you read about Higgs Boson? No, I'm not going to explain it because I don't know what it is. But Joshua and I have come to the conclusion that it's the same as Van der Waals force, except they're trying to change the name into Higgs Boson particle by introducing it as something new. *actual definition of Higgs Boson may vary, we don't get it either*

  On another completely unrelated note, there has been these super lame Thor photos circulating on Facebook. I could die from the lameness, ha ha. 

For example:


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