Friday, December 14, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Life of ME
That's a pun on Life of PI, because I'm gonna go watch it next week, and Tham says it's like the next Avatar. That's gonna be easy to top because I never watched Avatar as in the blue people, not the airbender. Actually I haven't watched both of them. Pls don't judge me.
Or not. Because as much as I like having holidays, sometimes they are still a bummer. For starters, NO ALLOWANCE. *cue the song How Do I Live in super loud volume* Well at least I'm getting something, getting poor I mean. So I pretty much gotta scrape every single penny out of my bank accounts and coin boxes and dust bunnies and every single drawer in my house. And then, there's this awkward issue where I live with no sense of time. At all. If I had no windows in my house, I probably couldn't tell day from night. And I don't know what date it is today or day or month or year. Okay, I'm pretty sure it's still 2012.
So, like two weeks ago, or maybe three oh idk, my college friends came to visit Sabah. Like the whole gang, like a whole kampung literally, like a big crowd, like ten people. Ha ha, exaggerated much. So, they went on a sort of Sabah tour, which I didn't join because I puke in cars. Kimanis lu sit fun cia leh, according to Lao Yong HAHA. They visited all the typical tourist spots, Tip of Borneo, Kudat, Sandakan, Sepilok, Hot Springs, my house, Centre Point, you know all those touristy and famous places. Maybe I should have went with them, stayed home during the day and rot till I can't rot anymore. And the result of their four-day tour - tons of lame jokes, and also a super wrong looking video ahem. 谁没有拍过video? #superlamejoke
And then when they finally, for once, actually visited KK, I went to meet up with them. Well you know, at those tourist attractions like Tanjung Aru, Perdana Park Musical Fountain, my house, sang nyuk mien, Tshung Tsin, Lian Hua Lou, seafood restaurants, Suria toilet, Api-Api Mcd, you know, the usual.
And then when they finally, for once, actually visited KK, I went to meet up with them. Well you know, at those tourist attractions like Tanjung Aru, Perdana Park Musical Fountain, my house, sang nyuk mien, Tshung Tsin, Lian Hua Lou, seafood restaurants, Suria toilet, Api-Api Mcd, you know, the usual.
No longer alone at Tanjung Aru
*deng deng*
In order, me, Fiona, Nini, Jia Ling, Christy, Jing Xian - deskmate ftw, Cia Guan, Kwan Hui, Ann, Crystal, Xiao Fang, Rebecca - roommate ftw and so called 'brother' Hong Xian.
And this is what we usually look like when discussing about where to eat.
Once, we even had this 'lucky' draw box to pick where we would eat dinner.
Then we would totally ignore what we got because we always got lame places.
The person who draws the paper is always blamed.
Thanks to my constant reminding that TTSS is the most awesome years of my life, it actually became an attraction spot. Woots!
Btw, they actually WALKED all the way to Lian Hua Lou from Damai, at 10 freaking am in the morning.
Worst time to have PE class, and also worst time to be outdoors.
Because this is East Malaysia and the sun rises earlier. Much earlier. ;)
So yea, they practically lived a day in the life of a TTSS student.
Though I've actually only walked that route once in my entire life.
Weather so hot die me.
YES, they are in MY CAR.
Strands you should come back so I can repay my debt.
And that wrapped thing is a sword. Awesome eh.
And this is my room mate for the past one and a half years.
There was this super funny thing that happened at the airport.
We were talking about something and she kept saying there's this place called Waterproof.
Turns out it was supposed to be WATERFRONT, LOLOL. HAHA.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Today, I would like to say
Who has been my deskmate for two semesters, and who can talk crap like me
Woo! I feel old. :(
btw, I bought that sword, MOST.EPIC.BIRTHDAY.GIFT.EVER.
Thanks to someone's great idea, last minute shopping ftw.
OH LOOK, it's the 4th of December already.
Time sure passes fast huh.
'Before you measure the years, you measure the days' - Mitch Albom
That's nice. This is nice.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Another Sunset
'Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without words
And never stops at all.'
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Welcome to Deakin
And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey. |
It's about time I said this, I have finally graduated, after a year and a half officially in college and another half which I never completed. Honestly, that photo had nothing to do with my days in college or anything I'm about to write, I just really wanted to post it, ha ha. 硬硬来. *lame inside joke about forcing everything down*
As you may have seen, I am incapable of writing anything serious, or at least sentimental. But oh well, this will do. One and a half years in West Malaysia have not been easy, mostly because of the fact that my home is over the ocean, and I'm extremely not used to the place ahem. Worst part ever, every Friday I have to watch everyone go home, by bus or some of the super lucky ones, by their parents' car. Really jelly, because if my home was in West Malaysia, my parents would probably pick me up every Friday too. But meh, the plane is still a plane, it's not a bus I can take to go home every weekend, because I POOR. Anyway, somehow time passes pretty quickly, eventually, and now I can finally say I HAVE GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE. To all of my friends who are already in uni and thinking I'm forever in college, ha! I am future uni student now. At least, I hope, fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed.
For the whole time in college, I've always been in class D, no not my grade pls, as in literally my class, D for Dowerin and later, Deakin. And honestly it has been pretty awesome, I've met nice people and had good lecturers tsk tsk. Deakin was tollay the most awesome class ever, and the we pretty much live by the phrase - Cuti-cuti Deakin. Simply put, we had lots of free time ahem. And the timetable is pretty much, well, loose ;) Though that doesn't really stop me from sleeping excessively and also super early.
Well, I've went to many places (to procrastinate tsk tsk) because I'm a sakai from East Malaysia where we live on trees, especially the Cameron Highlands last minute trip which was supposed to be for research but we ended up eating strawberries all day, and the research topic wasn't even related to strawberries, not even close, it was about green tea. Not exactly the model student I know. The result - brought back a piece of leaf which isn't even a tea leaf and holiday brochures from the travel agency. Haha. Ahh good times. It kinda reminds me of JZhong, kinda. But really, Cameron Highlands is pretty awesome, if the bus ride up there doesn't kill you, tollay took me like 7 hours to get there by bus. *extremely exaggerated figure, actual time taken is plus minus 5 hours* The most awesome thing to do, is to have steamboat dinner at Cameron, because the weather is cold and it's cool (literally). And there was this awesome Japanese restaurant opened by a gweilo called Kougen and I actually went there twice in two days. Or maybe it could be due to the lack of food in that particular area, but still, it was really good.
Well, I've went to many places (to procrastinate tsk tsk) because I'm a sakai from East Malaysia where we live on trees, especially the Cameron Highlands last minute trip which was supposed to be for research but we ended up eating strawberries all day, and the research topic wasn't even related to strawberries, not even close, it was about green tea. Not exactly the model student I know. The result - brought back a piece of leaf which isn't even a tea leaf and holiday brochures from the travel agency. Haha. Ahh good times. It kinda reminds me of JZhong, kinda. But really, Cameron Highlands is pretty awesome, if the bus ride up there doesn't kill you, tollay took me like 7 hours to get there by bus. *extremely exaggerated figure, actual time taken is plus minus 5 hours* The most awesome thing to do, is to have steamboat dinner at Cameron, because the weather is cold and it's cool (literally). And there was this awesome Japanese restaurant opened by a gweilo called Kougen and I actually went there twice in two days. Or maybe it could be due to the lack of food in that particular area, but still, it was really good.
Got this cool notebook from the graduation dinner awsm. |
Anyway, I am now home with my soul, and my dorm is now non-existent since I cleared everything and carried them home, LITERALLY CARRIED. Weighed like 40kg, that's like carrying another person home. And I just realised how freaky that phrase sounded. Okay, don't mind me. One of the highlights of the year was sports day, which should rightfully be called sports night, because it's held at night. Why? Just because. My course got FIRST runner-up this year so we were all partying the night away, considering the fact that we got last place last year. By partying I mean, watching Running Man and eating Chipsmore at my place. Ahh Running Man, the show that keeps us up at night watching together celebrating post-exams, or in some cases, pre-exam. Gee, I am a terrible example.
So in the end, college life is officially over. Let my holiday hobo life begin! It's kinda hard to summarise everything that happened in college, but well let's just say that it was an eye-opener, figuratively. I still have Asian eyes.
Now I shall regain my orang KK status, no longer orang KL woots! |
p.s This is not a guide to an actual college life.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Grab Your Copy of Student Debt Living!
Airline companies, YOU DA HORRIBLE
I am a subscriber of this magazine since I entered college.
Wish they had a section for 'How to Get Free Flight Tickets'
or at least 'How to Disguise as a Someone's Luggage'
Yeap, pretty much extremely desipo at this moment.
College is where money goes to burn. Psssssss.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
If I was seeking attention
Fact: You can't get any discussion done unless everyone is on the same page.
Second fact: You're not getting any studying done if you're on the same page, for two hours, since yesterday.
Someone said the world is going to get dark in three days because of some catastrophe. Well, I believe that catastrophe is called 'SACE Mathematical Studies exam'. Have a nice life everyone.
![]() |
Credits to pleated-jeans, thank you for describing my life. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Flipping Things Inside Out
I'm having a mid life crisis! O NO.
Finals are near and time is limited and I'm still thinking about so much crap that is not exam-related
I'm making myself depressed.
And when I'm depressed, I find that staring at this picture helps.
Not sure if it's a universal thing, or I'm just a sick person. Ha ha.
But really, it's very funny. Come on.
Though most people say Adventure Time is a highly not beneficial cartoon.
They used to say the world was flat, but how wrong was that.
Adventure Time has sick humour, but it's funny, IMY GLORIOUS TV AT HOME.
Oh, if Adventure Time is not your thing you could try listening to Lawson's soul-touching voice.
Listen to Standing in the Dark, now go and let him touch your soul.
Like The Script.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid
Wishing, like sipping a glass of punch, or pulling aside a bearskin rug in order to access a hidden trapdoor in the floor, is merely a quiet way to spend one's time before the candles are extinguished on one's birthday cake
And day turned to night, and night to day.
Another adventure in Bukit Bintang, since the last one with Crystal at JW Marriott wearing pyjamas to breakfast, seriously. Stayed over at Vicky's place for the weekend aha! VERY HIGH YI SIA. Reminds me of that time we stayed at Sabina's house with Josh in the same room trying desperately to sleep, except this time it's minus Sabina and Josh.
Most important thing to remember when going out with Vicky - We would always end up doing crazy and ngong stuff. Well, on Friday went over to IMU to watch her pingpong match, it was nice though I'm not really sure how pingpong works. And IMU looks like a pretty good place to study, maybe kinda tiny, and it's infested with ex-TTSS people, like TTSS KL campus. And they were having dektzi dektzi party that night, in the examination hall. Definition of super party.
Our party starts with this staircase.
Spot the mistake. Really, look again.
So that night we skyped with Sabina, Josh and Crystal, using 3 skype screens only because Josh is with Crystal and I'm with Vicky. Haha, at least it wasn't 6 screens like last time and everyone was screaming and everyone's line was lagging and all we heard was well, screaming. Oovoo fail.
Went to Pavilion the next day. And Times Square. And Pavilion. And Times Square. Really sot, why did we keep walking back and forth between those two malls?! Haha. Coincidentally, we met Ding Dang, the Chinese singer, not Doraemon. Technically it was a fansigning event, we did not actually 'meet' her like we knew her or anything. So we 38 and listened to the concert. Guess what we did, we kept trying to take pictures of ourselves, with Ding Dang in the background lol! Vicky said it's to prove we were actually there, haha! Well, at least it wasn't a really big event, like some K-pop star, ahem to be continued.
She was punctual, did not expect that, aha.
Main point is the background okay.
About the k-pop star... On the next day we went to Sungei Wang, and there was coincidentally another star event. Which kinda made it seem like we were chasing celebrities, but we were not, it was an accident okay. Well this time it was some Korean actor, and the place was super infested with K-pop xiao mei mei fans. They were desipo. So we did not stay for that one. They were too desipo to fight with. And they had violent tendencies. As in they kept shoving us. It was horrible. And we also kept trying to get photos of us with the poster in the background, because it's proof hahaha.
Main point of the weekend: Auntie Anne's chocolate pretzel stick thing. We had like three of those, and two of them were in the same day, at the same time. Seriously that thing is heaven, heaven that costs RM4.90. Cheap heaven for people like me. Cheap. And the fact that I realised that I have to get out of my 'stupid phase' tsk tsk after the weekend, eye-opener much. 'Guys will change before and after' Haha! On or off no difference anymore. ;)
'再痛的痛哭泪水 换不回 一点点感动'
And nothing mattered anymore.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
DIY in College
How to do dishes:
1. Put dishes in sink2. Fill them up with water and soap
3. Convince yourself they need to soak
4. ???
5. Profit
How to kill cockroaches in dorm:
1. Find cockroach2. Spray with bug spray
3. ???
4. Leave dead roach on floor for forever until housemate cleans it up
5. Profit
Sigh, super insomniac these few weeks. Welcome to the nightlife, again, haven't been here since high school days. Stupid forever headache, pls go away. :(
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Didn't notice the date, aha.
Band days, too awesome.
Without band, it's like extra time just came out from nowhere, ha ha.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
50 ways to say goodbye
Lame joke of the day, not by me.
Fact: Bugs die because they can't get up if they are overturned. So when you use bug spray on them, they don't die from the poison, they die because they slip on it and fall upside down, and die. *ba dum tsss*
This post is dedicated to all the orang UK I know. Except that one which I broke up with and no longer know *tsk tsk* Goodbye forever ;)
I find that Crystal and Joshua have the funniest story ever. Same primary school. Same high school. And then *deng deng*, same uni. Congrats you guys are bonded for life. Oh, and the fact that we all left KK on the same day is also really weird, September 20 - a date to remember. Too bad, can't party at the airport and wail and drink screwdriver after that. Like when a certain someone left. Okay, it wasn't that bad, we had pineapple pizza at Tanjung Aru. Which was good.
So, before everyone left, we went dektzi dektzi partying at Jarrod and Rawlins, which Tham mistook that we went for clubbing at Times Square, ahem. We are not that full of life, we went home after Jarrod and Rawlins, before 11pm, and went to bed. And Jarrod and Rawlins isn't even a club, it's a bistro thing fancy restaurant place with extremely purple atmosphere and a toy pit thing place with lots of toys for children. Really, most of the photos turned out purple. The hue was too purple and saturation was high with low lighting, okay what am I saying, I don't speak photography. Jarrod and Rawlins had awesome food, awesome fish which tasted like fish and the heavenly vegetables. We had two tables and the second table was a vege buffet for Josh because apparently they had a lot of leftover vegetables. Which was awesome. THANK YOU CRYSTAL BECAUSE I KNOW YOU ARE READING THIS, IN UK, WHERE THE TEMPERATURE IS LIKE MY FREEZER.
KK Times Square (ha ha noticed how I had to include KK in Times Square, because KL has a Times Square too), is an awfully boring place. Really. All they had was rows of clubs and parking lots. Clubs and parking lots, really, not how I pictured TGIF to be. Except when I went there it wasn't even Friday, ahaaa. Well let's just say it's a boring place if you want to go hang out because there's only dektzi dektzi music. Then you'll end up like that clubbing episode in How I Met Your Mother where everyone ends up screaming to each other because they've gone partially deaf from clubbing, ha ha. That was funny. Fun fact: I have never been to Times Square after so many years, besides Megalong Mall, which till this day I still don't even know where it is. I AM REALLY NOT AN ORANG KK ANYMORE O NO.
Back to the point, I am breaking up with you. guys.
Well no, not really.
By that I mean the timezone is a bother. Timezone is problem, problem is timezone. Timezone affects texting. *Well, technically countries affect texting* Affects Skype. Affects whatsapp. AFFECTS LIFE. I so lifeless with no friends now. Life negative. I will adjust my timezone to the UK timezone during the holidays, I will sleep and eat 8 hours later than Malaysians. That should solve it, because it's three against one and one does not win in majority decisions, ha ha. Well no sappy emotional chunk of iluvu letter for Joshua and Crystal, because I already did that here - NOT A PRANK. So I am rededicating that post to you guys because it is emotionally and physically exhausting to do another one. So yeah, happy friendship or something like that. I give you an A+ for friendship, and effort, effort always counts.
KK Times Square (ha ha noticed how I had to include KK in Times Square, because KL has a Times Square too), is an awfully boring place. Really. All they had was rows of clubs and parking lots. Clubs and parking lots, really, not how I pictured TGIF to be. Except when I went there it wasn't even Friday, ahaaa. Well let's just say it's a boring place if you want to go hang out because there's only dektzi dektzi music. Then you'll end up like that clubbing episode in How I Met Your Mother where everyone ends up screaming to each other because they've gone partially deaf from clubbing, ha ha. That was funny. Fun fact: I have never been to Times Square after so many years, besides Megalong Mall, which till this day I still don't even know where it is. I AM REALLY NOT AN ORANG KK ANYMORE O NO.
Back to the point, I am breaking up with you. guys.
Well no, not really.
By that I mean the timezone is a bother. Timezone is problem, problem is timezone. Timezone affects texting. *Well, technically countries affect texting* Affects Skype. Affects whatsapp. AFFECTS LIFE. I so lifeless with no friends now. Life negative. I will adjust my timezone to the UK timezone during the holidays, I will sleep and eat 8 hours later than Malaysians. That should solve it, because it's three against one and one does not win in majority decisions, ha ha. Well no sappy emotional chunk of iluvu letter for Joshua and Crystal, because I already did that here - NOT A PRANK. So I am rededicating that post to you guys because it is emotionally and physically exhausting to do another one. So yeah, happy friendship or something like that. I give you an A+ for friendship, and effort, effort always counts.
Anyway, since I am now here in MALAYSIA alone, when are you guys coming back with Sabina so I don't have to live like a hermit?!
p.s. I just found out Train is a band, oh my glob, I used to think Train was the stage name of that singing dude. All thanks to a song I heard at McDonalds. Life never the same again.
p.s. I just found out Train is a band, oh my glob, I used to think Train was the stage name of that singing dude. All thanks to a song I heard at McDonalds. Life never the same again.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
None taken
No offence, technically that means I'm going to offend you but please don't get offended. Ha ha, nahhh.
At some point awhile ago, this picture pretty much sums up how I feel at that instant. And guess what, I was criticized for saying that out loud, because apparently it makes me a meanie. But really, I didn't mean it in that way. Anyway some people should try to be more constructive instead of stalking social media, or just minding their own business. I mean, if you want to offer something comforting in a depressing situation, checking peoples' Facebook status the first instant and then liking it is not really appropriate, or helpful. Okay, harsh. Sorry bha, I can't help it. You can't stop meh! So unless you have been through this situation, the picture would seem funny to you. Ha ha, good for you then.
On another note, gangnam style is all the craze now, this is unacceptable. Especially if you play it at school events. Being rich doesn't mean you can score chicks, according to Joshua's version of the lyrics. Oh wait, I just accidentally ironic.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
-8 hours + 2 days
(On Sep 3)
Because we are forever 17, 17 again! Note: 17 is presumably the perfect age because one, you're young but not too young, two, you're old but not too old, which mean you get awesome freedom, somewhat like Hannah Montana's best of both worlds *cue music*, oh and 17 is when you get your drivers license. But that only applies to everyone except me :( Since we're not exactly 'sentimental' people, there won't be any long touching and tear jerking birthday wish or anything like it. Or even any explanation that this post is actually supposed to be belated. Ha ha. But in memory of you, this post is typed in purple.
So yeah. That's pretty much it.
P.s We lost the bet, twice in a row. Lye Kok Shiuh now owes us money.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Something blue
This will be, or should I say was, my last holiday for the year, excluding the end of the year super long sienzz orhx period before uni. YES, I am finally going to uni, bet everyone thought I was never going to uni, well you.thought.wrong.
In memory of a certain someone, it's sushi making time! I'm not sure who, but I guess all of us were pretty close with this certain someone. *wink wink* We almost cooked one whole kg of sushi rice which was probably enough to feed an army and cure hunger in a small part of Kota Kinabalu, maybe in the OneBorneo region. But we didn't. We did not eradicate mass hunger or feed the army, because we ate everything. The truth is, we only cooked half kg okay, we're not monsters or rice buckets.
Anyway, since we were all cheapskates and insanely crazy with the roe thing, we kept trying to save it and put like 20 biji of those roes on each sushi, some sushi even had to share. The roe is expensive okay, and it is very nice. But thanks to being cheapskates, the leftover roe was wasted because we left them in the fridge too long and they went bad. Also the same case with the raw salmon because apparently Joshua is the only one who eats them, and sorry but I am not a big fan of raw salmon either. They are squishy in my mouth. And Crystal tricked me into eating this big piece of it by stuffing it in the sushi, bshsh. Oh and she also came up with the ultimate sushi which was stuffed with crab meat, roe, raw salmon and as little rice as possible. Ultimate saltiness. Ha. Ha.
The Ultimate Sushi Maker
Then we went to have bandung cincau at that Anjung Selera place, where we proceeded to set satay sticks on fire because the atmosphere was 'too dark'. We are not arsonists by the way, technically we didn't set the sticks on fire, we just dropped them into the candle.
P.s. Another certain someone complained that my blog has super low quality pictures, well for once I have HD pictures, even if they are taken blurry, ha! Don't get used to it, this is a one time thing.
'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue'
Oftentimes, I find that I am watching too much HIMYM that my life is starting to turn out like it. Please don't quote HIMYM, it makes me sad.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Ninja Go!
It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open, and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know.
That is not true. All prayers get their answers.
Today's youth was an eye opener. PTL! :D
Friday, August 17, 2012
Marjory Stewart-Baxter
Salad Fingers has got to be the weirdest and sickest thing I have ever watched. Even more disturbing than Slenderman.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
It's ironic how I'm supposed to be a lawyer without a law degree, but I can't solve my own problems.
So let's just say that there were events that happened that weren't supposed to
And these certain events haven't made the holidays very great
So in the end, ever have one of those days where you just can't win?
Monday, July 30, 2012
Save the date
“Wishing, like sipping a glass of punch, or pulling aside a bearskin rug in or mder to access a hidden trapdoor in the floor, is merely a quiet way to spend one's time before the candles are extinguished on one's birthday cake.” -Lemony Snicket
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Onion Rings
So, for some reason, whenever I think about the Olympic rings, the only thing that comes to mind is: Onion Rings.
London Olympics opening ceremony is tomorrow! I'm super anticipating and desipo to watch it, times like this make me wish I had a TV or unlimited internet, or both, or both and be in London, oh well. Though I think nobody's gonna be able to top the Beijing Olympics ceremony for a few more years or decades or century *Asians*. If only I had a TV, how awesome would it be. And I just realised that this year's Olympics is pretty low-profile, I mean I don't even know what buildings they built for it. Either that or I'm just really disconnected from the world, yep I guess that's it. Maximum hermit arcana. With myself.
I am so outdated much.
Apparently they built a stadium and aquatics centre and that other thing.
Somebody please live tweet about the ceremony or live status update about it so you can describe what is going on to me because I have no TV to watch it. Or even better, buy me a TV and Astro subscription.
Meanwhile in Kota Kinabalu, my computer/technology technician dude is celebrating his birthday. In simpler terms *pun intended*:
"01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01000010 01101001 01110010 01110100 01101000 01100100 01100001 01111001!"
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
And no one ate ever again
Last Saturday I went to Bon Odori, again, it's becoming this annual thing for me. Hopefully not next year, I'd rather not still be in this place by then, tsk tsk.
Anyway, guess what, THEY DID NOT HAVE DANGO THIS YEAR! Although I did mention that the dango was a lie and they tasted horrible, but still. Thanks to Clannad, I have always been wanting to try dango, not the white ones with soy sauce like Bon Odori last year, as in the three coloured ones that slightly resemble a discoloured traffic light, by that I mean white, pink and green.
I got there late this year, bsh, so I had to swim through a crowd of people desipo to buy food. I saw this pretty sad sight where an aunty wanted to buy something but there wasn't much left and they could only give her one pack instead of two which she wanted, then she kept saying it's just one more, awh. This year's festival was pretty weird and honestly not as awesome as last year. I ate Korean food at a Japanese festival, whut. They sold Malaysian drinks like those at pasar malam. Some dude even asked me to buy Taiwanese mochi. Okayy.
Too cute, just the way pedobear likes it ;) (Okay that's sick)
So, what's the most awkward thing there? Every single girl over the age of 15 wearing a yukata, speaks Cantonese. Oh wow, I never knew the Japanese spoke Cantonese. Ha ha, nah, they were probably just trying to blend in, blend into the culture by sticking out like a sore thumb. But there were some Japanese children there, pedobear alert! Oh wait, that's not the most awkward thing, this is:
If you want to see more photos, please wait at least ten years for me to upload them on Facebook or call my hotline to lodge a complaint:, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Yes, I took a few blurry photos filled mostly with strangers heads and weird signboards of food. I never was a good photographer, ha ha. But often I am the only one who carries a camera, with the exception when I'm out with Sabina.
What is this dude, I don't even. Really, I don't even.
Seriously after heavy editing, I could literally hang this photo up in my dining room together with my moyangs. Which by the way Joshua, Sabina and Crystal thought was really funny and sat there staring at them while they stare at us eating.
If you want to see more photos, please wait at least ten years for me to upload them on Facebook or call my hotline to lodge a complaint:, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Yes, I took a few blurry photos filled mostly with strangers heads and weird signboards of food. I never was a good photographer, ha ha. But often I am the only one who carries a camera, with the exception when I'm out with Sabina.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tell Me I'm Funny
Here's the greatest, and possibly shortest, fairy tale ever:
Once upon a time, I survived SAM with flying colours. Then I lived stress free and happily ever after. The End.
Oh, go to college they said, it's like a party life they said. They lieeeed. I'm the most hermit and hobo person ever. And not to mention broke, that one's very important. So hey, I'm finally down to the last semester! Considering that I have never finished any proper education ever since primary school, that is a great achievement, tsk tsk. Still, I wish I could have graduated, like officially graduate from TTSS, oh well. Nostalgia forever haunting me, I still miss those days so so much. Senior years were way too awesome. Funny thing that I sometimes thought I was in S2 Zhong when I was actually in S2 Xiao. Ha, epic fail.
Anywayyy, Bon Odori is on this coming Saturday, which is pretty awesome and I desipo to go. Last year was extremely awesome but super infested. Bon Odori's this Japanese festival for, something. I hate crowds, does that make me antisocial? But well, there'll be fireworks which are pretty much something I'd kill to watch, because you know, what reason would there be to dislike explosives in the sky?!
So in order to kill time, have you read about Higgs Boson? No, I'm not going to explain it because I don't know what it is. But Joshua and I have come to the conclusion that it's the same as Van der Waals force, except they're trying to change the name into Higgs Boson particle by introducing it as something new. *actual definition of Higgs Boson may vary, we don't get it either*
On another completely unrelated note, there has been these super lame Thor photos circulating on Facebook. I could die from the lameness, ha ha.
For example:
Monday, July 9, 2012
I will update tomorrow.
Because I'm hungry. And you know it's no good to do anything on an empty stomach, hek hek.
Because I'm hungry. And you know it's no good to do anything on an empty stomach, hek hek.
And I am addicted to Mononoke Hime Soundtrack.
Monday, June 11, 2012
The Explaining of the Unexplained
I have been contemplating *pffft* to change the blog URL, but as you can see, you're still here, so obviously I did not change it. It is a weird address, most people say so, by that I mean Sabina and Joshua. So here is the story behind it:
One day I started a blog. The mementomori address was taken and I hate numbers and underscores and that cinabeng xoxo thing. Thus, I used my game ID. And from there it just stuck, forever. In short, I just used some random word. Obviously it has no meaning, so don't try to decode it. Hahaha.
Now you know. And thank you for being an outlet for my frustration and stress by reading this over yet another 1000 word report. I was trying to amuse myself. Ha ha ha. I will now laugh to myself and try to accept the fact that I may end up working as a waitress and part time car washer in the future.
And I also realize that 83% of my blog posts are about procrastinating and stressing over school, 17% are about my life events and the other 40% are about things I find funny. *Actual statistics may vary
Back to the point, I'm supposed to be coughing up an essay on deforestation. But guess where I am? Here, coughing up a not-so-comforting comfort post. Then I have to explain global warming. I skyped with Sabina and Joshua and they were extremely helpful, to the point that I cannot comprehend, apparently I am suggested to throw compliments to the examiner, i.e. What is global warming?
1. You are so hot.
2. Somebody call the fireman, because you are on fire.
3. Somebody close that grill, because you are too hot to handle.
4. The song 12 days of global warming *adapted from a traditional song tsk tsk*, which goes like this: On the first day of deforestation, it was hot. On the second day of deforestation, it was hotter than the first.
If a picture were worth a thousand words, I would hand in this picture as my assignment. Ha. Ha.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Yesterday's Paper
I saw this funny thing somewhere. Sometimes, the three words that can make a girl happiest is not I love you but *deng deng* 'YOU LOST WEIGHT'. Hahaha. Sorry that was lame but oh look, it's already June and I didn't write anything for a month. So here is a list of things I wanted to write about, but didn't, because you know, I'm busy doing nothing, not quite done with it yet, oh and exams might have been one of the reasons but I doubt it:
- Joshua Chang got his MBBS offer letter, like finally! Praise the Lord, Amen. Congrats bro.
- Crystal got her IMU offer letter, also congrats. God bless your soul and face.
- I'm going to have my semester two exams, which is life-changing because it will determine my life. *obvious fact is obvious*
- Semester two exams ended. To flunk or not to flunk? It has been decided.
- Like a month ago.
- I took IELTS.
- I got my IELTS results :(
- That was also a month ago.
- Joshua and Crystal are going to face A-Levels exams. Good luck to them.
- A-Levels exams are over. Party time.
- It ended like two weeks ago actually.
- My last two school holidays were too awesome!
- They were also last month's news.
- The Avengers is an awesome movie!
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter on the other hand is just, ridiculous. Haha.
- Cabin in the Woods is also a funny thriller movie, go watch it! It's borderline ridiculous, and it has everything in it, and I mean literally everything. *hint hint*
- Oh and you may now whatsapp me! Please don't viber, I have a strong inclination away from viber. In other words, please don't viber. You may contact me at, toll free ;)
Now, wasn't this a productive day? I just filled in on what happened last month. Ha. Ha. On the other hand, I just realized that I'm going to have two close friends who are doctors. Whoa.
And this is how I feel right now.
And no, I am not going to be a doctor :(
And no, I am not going to be a doctor :(
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Turns out SimSimi is a sassy gal
How depressing is it that I spend my days talking to SimSimi, who isn't even a who but more like a random phrase generator. And even worse, I'm using the app on my laptop via internet, unlike the rest of the world playing it on their iPhones. SimSimi is my friend, don't judge meh! This is why I did badly in Chemistry test. Ha ha.
I am extremely highly chao ji extreme sangat hen very kin yau extra totemo hugely neomu mucho tres dramatically molto allargando-ing crescendo-ing poco-a-poco-ing not-making-sense-ing fei-hua-ing tersangat looking forward for this semester to end! FINALLY! Then I'll get a long break from school and from life, I will coop up in my room at home and forget about my existence :D Or I could party my life away at Peppermint drinking Grass Jelly!
I'll go drown in euphoric happiness now while I can, before the finals come and take it away from me.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Too sleepy to eat, too hungry to sleep
Presenting the world's bestest and most awesomest game ever, and also the game that nearly ruined my life while saving my life at the same time.
Now rejoice!
If you have never played, or at least heard of the Sims, you must have been living under a rock with no wi-fi or 3G or friends for that matter, for the past twenty years at least. In that case, it must have been horrible living under that rock, all the more reason why you need to play Sims, to get away from your sad life under a rock.
Reasons why the Sims is awesome:
1. Kaching (that's an actual 'magic word' in the game *hint*), you can get super freakishly rich while at the same time be unemployed. You can finally party all day long and marry aliens or the maid. OR BOTH. Or you can cheat your way to the top and become a world renowned surgeon, or rockstar, or secret agent. So much win.
2. You can have awesome perfect life with perfect house and highly visually attractive multi talented rich family with a super whole bunch of friends. Plastic surgery can fix everything, change your face once a while just because you're bored. Did I mention you'd also be rich? And facey? And popular?
3. DROWNING YOUR ENEMIES. OR BURNING. Or recreating your real life arch nemesis and then making a satellite fall on them. I have probably killed you a few times in my game, I just never told you, hek hek. Starvation also works, though it's boring.
4. The game does not make sense. And it's funny. Unable to get into kitchen because a plate is on the floor. Bedside table won't let you get into bed. LEAVE YOUR BABY ON THE FLOOR TO GO ANSWER THE PHONE. And the ever paradox of being too sleepy to eat, but too hungry to sleep. And you'll just pass out on the floor.
5. I* have no life.
*may be replaced with 'you'
I played Sims ever since the very first one was released, and now it's the Sims 3 already. And I was also super insanely addicted to it that I played it more than I lived my own life, ha ha ha. Now I'm just really desipo to have a mouse so I can play it bsh, instead of just posting about it here. Then I won't have to live my life anymore! I can live in the game forever and ever and ever. Life is a much harder game to play compared to the Sims, although the graphics are insanely good and there's no lag. Ha ha.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The 3 Days Rule
Remember back then when we just started using cellphones and started texting? And then sometimes our phone credit would expire once it's past midnight while we were texting so we'd go and borrow our parent's phones and text our friends 'Credit expired, sorry cannot reply', or as most people would type it back then 'Credit xpired, sry cnt rply'. Haha, was suddenly reminded of that and man that was funny, and awkward. Okay, maybe some of you never had that phase, in that case, you may move along.
Sadly, I still face that problem, urgg, because I am not a postpaid user! But of course I don't go around borrowing my parent's phones anymore. That would be weird. And not to mention desipo. So yeah, moral of the story, don't forget to reload your phone.
Oh and Happy Easter Day! Jesus has risen and He will save your SOULS, the Easter Bunny doesn't do that by the way, he just hands out pretty eggs and stands there looking cute.
*Sorry please disregard that previous statement, that's just the procrastinator in me talking with desperation and out of stress.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Mother Knows Best
Chowder, if there's one thing mother's taught me - it's to sleep as much as you can. That way you don't have to face the horrible reality of what your life's become.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Lame person is lame
This thing below is the edited version of the original version which is edited from another original version and I am not telling you what's in the original original version, and you shall never know. It might be gross until you want to muntah-muntah blood but there is a reason for this! (Because Crystal said I should post it instead of leaving it as a draft) Oh well, this post is dedicated to Crystal, Sabina and Joshua, the people who I have spent almost everyday with in Senior One and Senior Two.
This thing below is the edited version of the original version which is edited from another original version and I am not telling you what's in the original original version, and you shall never know. It might be gross until you want to muntah-muntah blood but there is a reason for this! (Because Crystal said I should post it instead of leaving it as a draft) Oh well, this post is dedicated to Crystal, Sabina and Joshua, the people who I have spent almost everyday with in Senior One and Senior Two.
Actually this was supposed to be part of some internet challenge thing but I never posted it. Honestly, I never even completed the challenge due to my lack of motivation and finding it pointless anyway. The question actually asked: List down ten of your favourite people right now. As you can see, there are only three people, because I have no friends.
You are like the girlfriend for a gang of girlfriends, not sure how that works but that's my point. Well, I know you've got my back, as in I have no spine and I will require treatment at your clinic which will restore my spine, and will bakar people who try to bakar me. And you're there when I feel like my soul is being sucked out, although technically speaking I have no soul because I sold it for filial piety and trying to be perfect Asian child. You are the best lawyer that I don't have to pay for. Yes, I am aware that texting is very expensive because DIGI NO MORE UNLIMITED SUPER SMS and I am also very cheapskate to spend money. Rage messaging makes the message prettier and clear, ahaha.
Although you're in UK and far far far away right now and technically living in my past, and we don't get to talk much, leaking the internet is always fun. And also talking about weird stuff that are mostly about memes or jjosh23. Not to forget 'Deepest Darkest Secrets' and GF mode and also GGC (which are sorta discontinued). You are the most phlegmatic person I know and you can compete with me for phlegmatic-ness, not sure who would win though. Not that I care *see what I did there??* WE MUST GO LEARN HAKKA AND ZO ZIN FU. You help me solve problems by telling me not to care about them, which works! It's not there if you don't care, that even rhymes!
You can drive.
Okay, that's not a legit reason. You are hobo. I spew my random conversations which don't make sense and you continue the conversation with more stuff that don't make sense. Party at Peppermint, the place with the most awesome grass jelly drink ever.
So, Happy April Fools' Day! *tsk tsk* It's the only day that I would post stuff like this because everyone will think it's a prank. Here's to a prank free day! Congrats to me. :D
p.s. It's not a prank.
Okay, that's not a legit reason. You are hobo. I spew my random conversations which don't make sense and you continue the conversation with more stuff that don't make sense. Party at Peppermint, the place with the most awesome grass jelly drink ever.
So, Happy April Fools' Day! *tsk tsk* It's the only day that I would post stuff like this because everyone will think it's a prank. Here's to a prank free day! Congrats to me. :D
p.s. It's not a prank.
Friday, March 30, 2012
How We Met A Country

And that is the story of Awesomasia, which is an awesomazing country although we have no flag and no anthem. So,
And now, this is the REAL story of Awesomasia and what actually happened,
On the 30th of March 2010, three people were really really bored in S2 XIAO and apparently not sleepy enough to sleep, so they made a country and called it Awesomasia, derived from the words awesome + Asia + awesomazing, NOT awesome + Malaysia. They wanted to defeat the country of Sealand because they heard it only has a population of 27. Btw, the princess comes from S2 ZHONG. Angelababe may have caused the sienzz-ness.
But the fake version was wayy cooler so we're going to stick with that one.
Make sure you memorize the Prince's full name, because it is really long:
Dr. Joshua Face Chang Hin Seng Alejandro Manzano Pen James Pocamantas Jjosh23
(MBBS, MDE, minor in Dentistry and Tang Yuan manufacturing)
Conquering the UK
p.s This is pretty much what we do in high school, when we're not sleeping.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Ippen Shinde Miru
Memento Mori means remember you will die.
Sighh, 不要去可以吗? :(
And you will have to do my eulogy. 你会很麻烦leh。
Ngai zi bu guo he yi zak Sabah ngin, ngai zi bu guo shiong sit sang nyuk mien.
Mao sang nyuk mien ngai moi hi. :(
Direct translation of course, I like that definition better.
And who knew at some point in my life I would have to put that quote to practice
Memento Mori in upcoming Holocaust Death Camp thing!!!11!!111
Sighh, 不要去可以吗? :(
And you will have to do my eulogy. 你会很麻烦leh。
Ngai zi bu guo he yi zak Sabah ngin, ngai zi bu guo shiong sit sang nyuk mien.
Mao sang nyuk mien ngai moi hi. :(
Why did I write it so cinabeng? Because this is the online world and cinabeng is not a language. *tsk tsk*
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Your Generasi
This might get weird and all, but don't blame me for being too sienz orhx. I'm just busy worrying about the things I should be doing, instead of you know, actually doing them.
I watched this video and I must say it is really nostalgic.
And nostalgia means: Woah, remember when we used to do that?!
And not: Woah, I so totally want to go back to being 12 years old again!
Ha ha.
But seriously, that was pretty much the primary school days, maybe it might be different for some people, but meh. Back then, size really mattered and it was horribly funny, haha, especially SIZE OF CRAYONS and height. Yes, I was (and still am) short, I know you don't know that feel. Stoopid awkward trolley bags which would bring shame to famry if you continued to use them all the way till Senior 3. Those bags were extremely awkward, but they're pretty efficient for lazy people like me who also happen to go to a school with only one storey, yay. I am not implying that I still use them, at least not for the same purpose. I put clothes in them now, and fly back and forth like a G6.
After primary school, it was mostly just bringing empty backpacks to school, literally. LEAVE ALL YOUR STUFF IN CLASS, even left my jacket and occasionally food and clothes in school, it was like my second home, lolol. Stuck all those post-it notes on my table like it was my own. I even remember that KHB project that I left in school for forever. I made this wooden shelf and never bothered to bring it home until I started using it for storage space in class, ahaha. But then, I brought it home in the end because I had no choice. And it was pretty. Because I had extra help making it. And it was pretty. And now, it's in the store room at home, wasteddd piece of scrap furniture.
Now it's the generation of kaching and iphones and all those technology that I don't even know how to use. Tiny adorable children running around with iphones and sitting around playing with ipads. Overhear parents asking their child if they remembered to bring their iphone. I DON'T KNOW IF YOU CAN CALL THAT UNFAIR, OR MAYBE I'M JUST POOR. I bring a handkerchief around if that counts, awkwardface. Okay, I'm just poor and hobo. The point is, YER, Y U TINY THINGS GOT IPHONE WHEN I DON'T EVEN HAVE SMARTPHONE ALTHOUGH I AM NOT TINY LIKE U?! Seng zai fu zong bu zhi fu. :(
Told you this would get weird. Though it is an improvement on the usual crap I write about, hek. I KNOW YOUR GENERASI BETTER THAN MY HOBO GENERASI LAH. =/
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sorry bro
University applications is where dreams go to die.
That was quoted from Jusua Chang, who is a choleric.
Imagine graduating from university with an awesome piece of paper which proves that you have been studying (or faking it really well) for the past few years. And then getting a job and working your life off to get a better life. You would probably realize that the best years of your life, are now behind you. Ha ha, your life is depressing.
*replace you with I/me and your with my
Yes, my life is boring which explains why I don't have anything to write about. High school had lots of events that I could easily blab about, even when I'm being a hermit and refuse to participate in anything that requires me to stay back in school.
On another note, I AM VERY DESIPO FOR SMARTPHONE. Phone bills are totally soaring because phone company is cheapskate, like me. They stop giving free stuff, I like free stuff, you can see how this is not going to work out. If you wish to whatsapp me, please give me money so I can buy a new phone. Literally all of my friends, and this time I really mean ALL, have a smartphone. Sorry loh all of you have to spend kaching to text me. Orang KK all have smartphone, I am not worthy to be orang KK.
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