Wednesday, October 28, 2009


School opened today, well, for one day only. It's pretty pointless having to go to school today. We just sat around in class and talk, at least until it was 1.50pm. All of the test papers were returned before it was even lunch break, didn't have much to do. One good thing was that the scholastic books which I ordered 2 MONTHS or more ago arrived but I realized I ordered all the wrong books. I had 5 books, 2 of which were cheesy romance novels which I am seriously getting tired of and 2 more weird books which I don't think you should know what it contains. At least I got another book by Sally Nicholls, who is a pretty good author^^

As the title implies, today was also a bummer due to quite a few contributing factors. I got bad, as in where-the-heck-did-the-rest-of-my-brain-go and I-broke-the-low-records-and-was-given-a-spot-in-the-idiot's-hall-of-fame kind of bad, horrible, disappointing, crappy, terrible, depressing, wallpaper-peeling, [insert word(s) with similar context here] etc. exam results. This is so not a good year, it's like one of the worst in my life, or most likely is. I am not entirely in a good mood right now, feels like I'm gonna snap at the next person who talks to me.

In a totally separate situation, it's just a wonder that 26 alphabets could spell so many words, that have so many different meanings. And the words, when put together, could mean so much...

- To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks -

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In the middle

The title of this post has many meanings, if you know what I mean (I know you don't, which is a good thing). Well, it might mean that I am in the middle of my exams, or I am in the middle of slacking again, or I am in the middle of 'studying' maths and etc.

I think I forgot what I was about to say. Oh yeah, MJ's 'THIS IS IT' tickets go on sale today! YAY! I must go and watch it, I waited for a long time for it... Thank goodness the exams will be over by then^^ Haha, I'm getting carried away now... Now, back to my discreet panicking for tomorrow's additional maths exam (seriously, can't I just learn maths instead of 'additional' ones) and my futile attempts to 'study' and 'memorize' maths.

'That' surely brings back the memories, thanks alot~

Sunday, October 11, 2009

More blabber from me

I can't believe it, I had more posts in this week than I ever had. Curse you Distraction and Procrastination, now I spend more time updating my silly blog than working my butt off for the exam... >.> Ah, what the heck, I've got nothing to lose anyway... except my future? Guess I'm condemned to a life of slacking and dreaming. 


Twenty-two is the lucky number
As wonderful as can be
Though you've been getting dumber
Twenty-two, can't you see?!

When are you gonna wake up
I can tell that you're really slow
Twenty-two is here to see you
Wrapped with a big red bow

I know you're dumb and stupid
I know your hobby is slacking
But before your brain turns rancid
You better start thinking

Please save yourself I beg of you
Though hope is frail like your brain
Maybe your dreams will come true
If you stop dancing in the rain

Stand up and work really really hard
Fake a smile and look like a card
And pray real hard nobody knows
That you've been visited by twenty-two

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Seriously crazy

I know I should be studying right now and studying is the right thing to do now (what am I saying...), but I am horribly bored and bored to horrible bits. I can't concentrate at all and I'm not even done studying for the biology exam tomorrow, darn... Guess writing this was just another way for me to avoid studying. I hate studying, very much, and I am sure studying also hates me which doesn't really make much sense. Told you I lost my mind...

This was a conversation between me and Sabina this noon.

Sabina : Give me another word for happiness
Me : Holiday
Sabina : Please la...

And now I will attempt to face the demons of studying and procrastination and at the same time keep my friend, Laziness, away. But the good TV shows are on right now... aww man... Well, gotta keep my head on the exam instead of double posting for the sake of my own amusement and hope that I come out alive and sane.

I lost my mind, figuratively and literally

I have lost something and I need to find it back, fast. Never have I been so lost and full of questions other people would regard as stupid and pointless. What the heck anyway, not like someone’s going to walk this road with you. My point is, if anyone stumbles upon my mind or if you happen to have it, please give it back, I desperately need it. It’s small and practically useless with or without my head and its highly likely to exhibit bipolar or insanity symptoms. Well, there’s still a possibility that it has just evaporated out my ears… Hmmm… In which case I would suffer the consequences greatly…