Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And Sunday comes afterwards

Four words. Last weekend was awesome.

Watch this: 


Now watch this one:

You should now feel at least 40% more stupid than before you watched both videos ;)

Haha, I just triple posted a bunch of redundant stuff. 

Tomorrow is Saturday


  On a fine fine Saturday morning, I went to the Gold Coast with Pei Yee and Chern! Visited Surfers Paradise first. It totally took us FOREVER to get there. The bus ride there wasn't actually the best either, a group of friends were like blasting music and talking throughout the ride, reminded me of pilaks, oops, that was mean, but true. Haha. We had lunch at this seafood place with a waiter who looks like Poseidon, if he was holding a triton, he could totally become Aussy's Next Top Mermaid, hah lame pun. Surfers Paradise. Surf. Paradise. Surf. Paradise. The beach can kill you with it's awesomeness. 

Well well, if only Tanjung Aru looked like that =/

  Then we went to Pacific Fair, some sort of shopping mall and Harbourtown or more like discount town. I killed my wallet, it starved. Details not required. Hah.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Today is Friday

  Friday, I went to the movies with Samantha, Pei Yee and Charlotte. Got this really cool and funny pair of 3D glasses which we can actually bring home instead of  the ones like in KK where we had to pay RM5 to rent them and return them after the movie. 3D in Aussy is pretty awesome yo. Pei Yee and I bought popcorn but then they were salty, aww man. Turns out we were supposed to order caramel popcorn but we didn't, lol. I bought a box of jawbreakers at the counter and I am seriously addicted to it. I ate a whole box of it and yay, it gave me a sore throat. H1N1 soon.

  The awesome part, I went to Hope Brisbane! Sort of. Well, I went to their youth group special event thing which is held at someone's apartment. Which I just found out is in Indooroopilly, which is pretty near to my house, which I never knew ever since I got here. Yay. We pretty much spent the whole night playing games, 15 minutes sharing and the rest of the time was spent eating, lol. I gotta say, their group is pretty cool and awesome ;) Hope KK youth group should come here and attend the service (is that what it's called?) in St. Lucia which is an awesomely beautiful place :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011


  It's raining! At night! The sound of the raindrops is so nice and soothing, haha. Best weather ever since I got here. I just hope it won't rain again in the morning on the way to school or I would definitely be awfully wet and freezing. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Heaven on earth

Heaven on earth is a well stocked discount bookstore and a full wallet. 

Or this works fine too ;)

  Borders bookstores everywhere is closing down for some reason and also lots of other bookstores. And that can only mean, book sales! I went to Borders in the city today and man, when they say everything must go, they really mean EVERYTHING must go. Haha. They're practically selling everything in the store including the shelves and old printers (?) and the weirdest thing I saw was a stack of blue pens tied together for sale which may or may not have been used. 

  I went to Borders a few times before and it's so funny that the prices there keeps getting lower and lower. The first time I went there was when they haven't decided to close down and everything costed a fortune, like $25 for a book, woah. Well, I went there again a few weeks later and they were beginning to clear everything. Books were mostly on 50% discount and I saw this funny sign at the counter: 'The closing date has not been decided, thank you for NOT asking'. Sarcasm much. So today I passed by and went inside, STUN FACE. The first row of shelves I saw had books price at ONE DOLLAR each. POPULAR AND TIMES, Y U NO HAVE RM1 BOOKS THAT ARE NOT EXERCISE BOOKS. There was a sign for book prices: $24.99, TAKE OFF $23.99 % discount, YOU PAY $1 ea. Haha, awsm.

 I bought two books and bsh! I realized I already had one of them at home! Cynthia Kadohata, Y YOUR BOOK COVERS SO SIMILAR! Gosh, now I have two books that are exactly the same, funny, impulsive buyer much. Haha.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hide and Seek Champion 2011

Where's Bin Laden? ;) I actually saw this book at the bookstore, funny

Well, a few weeks ago he was hanging out at his mansion which took the US government ten years to find. Now, he's probably hanging out with megatron under the sea ;)

There's this picture I've always wanted

  I bought some cherries yesterday, emphasis on the word 'some'. They costed me my life savings and that picture is actual size. Haha, okay, that was slightly exaggerated. But they still costed a fortune, around 3 dollars for 200 grams, woah. Cherries are awesome, that compensated for the hole in my wallet, partly. 

  So... there's this picture I've always wanted. Awesomasian royal family, we must attempt this picture! Emphasis on MUST. It's gonna be the best shot ever, the best shot that you will EVER take in YOUR LIFE. And then we will buy that picture at the souvenir place and watch the stun face of the cashier. Epicness overwhelming. We should play monopoly. Haha. 

Good thing blogger doesn't have it ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Comic Sans

"You're not much of a sweet eater are you?"
My homestay host asked me that at dinner today and I thought,
"Well, you just haven't seen the secret candy and chocolate stash in my room"
Of course I didn't say that to her, I just said
"Uhh, I'm just full after dinner" Haha.

  I guess my room is like a secret stash for everything. I've got a whole pile of candy and stuff hidden in my drawers since I'm supposed to put my food in the pantry but then the pantry is way too far away. Good thing she doesn't go inside my room or I'd be dead. Haha. 

On another note


It's like the worst font ever invented. 

It is never acceptable to use comic sans. Haha. Seriously. Comic sans is audience repelling. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jia Jun Peng!


Welcome to the club, PESCE-MFACE.blogspot.com
Response to Face Chang, BATA shoes = Buy And Throw Away shoes :) 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"I don't think I want to accept"
"My parents don't think they want to accept"
According to Sabina
Two completely different statements which
Sadly does not work the same way
This is even worse than that time I wasn't allowed to retake my maths exam
This is even worse than the first time I left
Because now I'm back to square one
And I have to do everything all over again
Except I don't have my awesome bedroom
And my awesome bed
And my awesome closet
And my awesome internet line
And the awesome weather
And my awesome school though it's kinda boring
And my awesome group of friends who are never boring, tsk tsk tsk
And awesome places to go visit
Where I wouldn't ever worry about going home empty handed, literally
Or worry about not being able to go home at all, yikes O.O
If you know what I mean, haha
I have to say my goodbyes again
For starters, GOODBYE LEICESTER :(
Can you not, can I not
"So many people can only dream of getting it, you have it and you don't want it?!"
I guess I'm not part of that group
Living someone else's dream
So it's back to that same question


  I bought a bottle of soap bubbles thingy at Kmart last week. Now I've been obsessively addicted to it, bubbles! It's so awesome, awesomely fun. I spent hours playing with it at the park, my neighbours must have thought I'm weird or something. Haha. 

Can someone please explain to me the difference between dubstep, techno and electronica?
dubstep is like wahwahwahwahwahwahwah
and techno is like uns uns uns uns uns uns
and electronica is like deedledeedledeenerdoodeedledoodeedle

   The calendar's days, are numbered. *lame pun* My days, are also numbered. *It's okay, it's okay. I'm not gonna die there. Repeat saying that to myself for infinity times.* I guess I'm just excruciatingly picky. I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die, I'll make it, I hope. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Without geometry, life is pointless

Aww man, I don't want to go. Go out, I mean. Haha. Can't I just stay in my room for the rest of my life.

Lemony Snicket! Too bad I lost the CD someone gave me last time, bsh, I must watch it again!

Education Crisis

Of all the ridiculous expressions people use - and people use a great many ridiculous expressions - one of the most ridiculous is "No news is good news." "No news is good news simply means that if you don't hear from someone, everything is probably fine, and you can see at once why this expression makes such little sense, because everything being fine is only one of the many, many reasons why someone may not contact you. 

-Lemony Snicket

So we're like tripods eh, according to Sabina. 
Yes, we all have education crisis. 
Cha-ching, everything needs money
They say money doesn't buy happiness
They lied!

Aww man
We can't live together no more
We can't skype while in the same house
We can't throw away our cellphones
We can't have GF mode and deepest darkest secrets moments
We can't troll people together

Dear Forever Alone, yes, you will be forever alone. Unless writing stick somehow goes there! Bsh, I so jelly, jelly, jelly. If only all 3 strands are rich like the royal family in UK, we would all be in the same timezone now. And forever, okay, maybe not, that kinda sounds creepy. Oh well, Jesus take the wii. Take it from a hen.  Aww man, why can't life be like high school, where we only worry about changing seats and not changing countries. And yes, I wanna go UK, but 树欲静而风不止!Okay, I don't really know what that means, but the point is, I want to go but I can't. Like since forever. Problems on the financial sector and my management sector ;) If you know what I mean, haha. Well, a decision shall be made, after I eat this cookie! Speak Memeglish forever! Leak the internet!

Dear Face Chang, hello future forever-bachelor-surfing-and-diving-doctor-and-marine-biologist-living-in-Cairns-and-studying-in-JCU-with-hospital-and-aquaria-and-tangyuan-kilang-where-I-will-not-work-as-printer-or-be-in-the-printing-department, you lack perseverance. Go get some. Jesus will take your wii. You should get on your bike, and go, just go, go and start a business somewhere, or most preferably a hospital. 

Education crisis, macam tiada. Back then. Haha.


Sunday, May 8, 2011



Haa, I still remember how to read hiragana, lulz. That song makes me want to watch Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle again and again and again. Awesome anime. But Clannad is more awesome of course ;) I wish I had unlimited internet, I would like one free unlimited internet please. 

An omnomnommagon has omnomnom sides

I hope this helps me in my maths exam later. 
Because it is the only thing I studied. Haahha

Tick tock tick tock, keeping my fingers crossed =/

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sad crab, is sad

High school, best years of my life. 
  • When I didn't know how to do my homework, there's always someone for me to copy from. 
  • Whenever I missed the deadline for homework or project, I just tell the teacher I'll hand it in 'tomorrow', time does not exist, deadlines are relative ;)
  • I could puke out a 300 word essay in 2 periods of class and not worry about plagiarism or quality
  • It is only important to do homework the week before exams, when the teacher starts counting homework marks
  • Waking up late in the morning doesn't really matter, haha, I was marked late nine times in just the first semester last year
  • I can sleep in class and paying attention not required, just freak out whenever in trouble
  • I use moral class to sleep and BM and computer and chinese and biology and chemistry and physics and maths
  • Going to the canteen, at every recess, even if the recess is just 10 minutes long. 水果档! And chewy thing from 面包档!
  • I study for a test an hour before the test
  • Sharing is caring, discuss and share answers for test :)
  • We can talk for a whole double period in PE class
  • Class trips! Or in my case, class trip, singular
  • I cram for exams the night before the actual exam
  • Talking about memes all the time or angelababy and doing really weird stuff
  • Not caring about anything
  • I practically live half my life in the bandroom
  • Sticky notes! Sticky notes everywhere! 
  • THE STRANDS! ;) You guys should be here with me, bsh
I pity you sad crab

Palm on your face

Desipo Housewives, so this is what happens after the 'and they lived happily ever after' part

 Desipo, reminds me of that time when I was so desipo for someone to explain linear programming to me, last Monday. Funny story. I heard there was a maths test on Tuesday on binomial theorem and linear programming, so I sort of studied for it. There was this part I didn't get in linear programming, I totally forgot how to determine which side of the line to shade in and the examples in the book were all the opposite of my answers, haha. I was skype-ing with Sabina and freaked out and sent messages to her, which, yay, took forever to send. Freaking out more, went to facebook to find Tham and he didn't know how to do it. Urg, called Joshua with my phone and made him lose his game, oh yay :) Meh, still can't figure out the maths, skype message STILL SENDING, and called Sabina all the way in UK, haha. And in the end, suddenly figured it out while talking to Sabina, bshhh! Turns out I forgot to read the instructions part and we're supposed to shade in the part that is NOT the answer, no wonder everything was the opposite. FACEPALM SO MUCH. FAIL, EPIC FAIL. 

Some things you just don't get, haha

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Power level over 9000!!

  So I just finished my 1000 words english essay draft thing a few days ago and boom, I have to do another one for biology! Sick sick world. It used to be: write between 250 and 300 words or something like that, and I always wrote too much. Now every teacher is asking for 1000 words, bsh. Or in other words 4 pages of A4 paper, which was what my biology teacher asked for. 

  There was this really creepy guy on the bus today, oops, kinda mean but he's was like really creepy. He sat 2 rows in front of my friend and I. Here's the weird part, he sat facing the back of the bus instead of the front, like the rest of the world did. He totally sat that way the whole bus ride and it was totally scary because his face and his glaring eyes are facing our direction. We freaked out, and got off the bus one stop earlier and walked. Paranoia. 

This perfectly describes the creepiness 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


No, I do not hate the internet, aha. 

Had onion rings without any STRANDS :(

Monday, May 2, 2011

Puke rainbows the sequel

It's a new record! 
1029 words in one day
Ultimate example of cramming ;)
Worst experience ever
I hate you English that is academic and not fiction or fun
 I will never ever do it again, bsh. 

I lied. 

Puke rainbows, episode 2.
Because it just works that way :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Puke rainbows

I'll leave the door on the latch
If you ever come back, if you ever come back
There'll be a light on the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back

The Script so awesome, aha.

  I attended youth this week, unexpectedly, in iPad form, again. I even played a game with them, funny, haha. How I wish I could be there in person, like how I was there last Saturday. Meh. I ain't gonna say it out loud, but I am somehow trying to imply that I miss you guys, Crystal and Joshua, just implying, a little bit. Yoyo not available here :(

 Bsh, I have to puke out a 1000 words essay, as in ONE THOUSAND WORDS IN ESSAY FORM, by Tuesday or tomorrow night more preferably. One thousand words is not really much but the thing is it's for ACADEMIC ENGLISH, like more academic than the usual English, haha, what am I saying. The point is, I can't use my imagination! Bsh, formats formats and more formats. There's even formats in the formats. Inception! 

Puke rainbows!

Royal Wedding

Y they so perfect
Prince William and Princess Catherine
Just like a fairytale in real life, aww

I will stop spazzing over the wedding now, haha. I didn't think I would care so much about it, a new breakthrough! Lulz.