Thursday, September 29, 2011

Time Travel

There was an mini mini education fair at school last week, or more like rows of tables with university prospectuses on them. I gotta collect em' all! Anyway, some students were conducting interviews around that area for some assignment. So I overheard an interview. 

Why do you want to be a biotechnologist? 
*long meaningful and inspiring answer about contributing to society*

A classmate asked me why do I want to be a pharmacist. 

Why do you want to be a pharmacist? 
I want to sell drugs. Legally. 

She stun face. Haha.

Sell drugs like these. 

Goodbye forever, person who will be time travelling tomorrow. 
Come back after another forever. And go to ninja joe. 
Say goodbye to cheap milo. And sang nyuk mien. 
And hello to 30 hours of class a week. 
Like me. Sad life is sad. 
The point is GOODBYE. 
Time travelling on a Friday. You gotta get down on Friday. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chronicles of awkwardness

Yo, I heard you liked tables so we put tables in your table so you can have tables when reading your table

  When I got back from school this afternoon, I realized there was something weird with my apartment/dorm place. Then it hit me. Someone broke in

   Not literally. But still literally. Ha. Ha. 

  Someone came in and tore up the plastic on my chair and wrote numbers on it, among all the other furniture also. What does it mean??!! The furniture is being tracked down! O no, pedoniturebear! *refer to pedobear, except furniture form* Please don't come in and cut up the lock on my locker, I like my collection of Giordano shirts very much, very very very much. 

  A friend came over yesterday and complained why I didn't remove the plastic from my chair after sooo long. Apparently it looked annoying and made people want to tear it up. I appreciate a clean chair which made me keep the plastic cover on. Haha, and today someone came and ripped my plastic. Jinxed much. That chair is only used when I'm not in my room and actually using the study table. I am hermit. When am I ever not in my room? That chair looks tollay brand new. I don't need you chair. I'm sorry. 

Hmmm, seems like I got over my writer's block. Ngehh.

*sarcasm intended*


  Sometimes, trains get really full and extremely crowded to the point that you think when it tries to move, it can't move and will completely collapse onto the tracks. Instead, most of the time you are wrong! And the train can still move. Hooray for modern locomotive technology. When this is the situation, you would most likely be gasping, literally, for air in the coach. Wondering why is everyone so desperate for the train at this hour, then you'll realize you're just like them. Irony. 

  By applying the concept of physicks, oops, typo, physics, you can now obtain extra space and oxygen in that people infested train, according to a conversation in class this afternoon when everyone's practically dying from afternoon fatigue. 

Hypothesis: If you carry two durians into the train, people will avoid and you will have more space. If you use uniform circular motion and spin those durians, people will avoid you even more and you might even have a whole coach to yourself. ;) 

Precautions: You shall carry durians without a bag, super effective, increase efficiency of thorns poking people. 

Conclusion: Hypothesis is accepted. People will also think of you as a psychopath. An educated psychopath with knowledge of uniform circular motion spinning two durians while walking into trains. 

  Now why would I write such a dumb blog post? I have physics lab practical test next Tuesday. On uniform circular motion. Which involves spinning things in the air. And solo lab report, written solo. Note the word TEST. 

No time for social links. I am sorry strands. 

Maths class gone wrong, haha. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nom nom

  I now own a rice cooker after surviving for three months. Gone are the days of having dinner outside. Let the days of instant food and plain rice begin. I splurged too much. Now I have no choice but to eat bread all day. 

Totally bro! You go sista!

  Woah, what has facebook become? Facebook hiatus for 3 weeks and now I don't know how to use it anymore. Apparently, I didn't find any problems with the old one and that stalker column is definitely creeping me out. Meh, hiatus continues. I just logged in so I could check my class group about some assignment thing. 

Everyday's great at your Junes

  Sunway Pyramid, you are like One Borneo, but on the other side of Malaysia. One Borneo still wins :( And Citymall!

  I've been to Sunway for the 48477908th time. It's like my second home on weekends. I practically go there every week since there's nothing much to each around my dorm. Go there every week and do stoopid stuff. Like nom nom the oink oink. Tsk tsk. Ninja Joe is the new Burger King. 

  I went with some friends and we just happen to pass by toys r us and we just so happen to go inside. Then it took us forever to get out. Come on, it's toys r us! We almost tried every single toy there, note: almost, and that includes toys intended for ages 3+. Tollay sakai. If only jjosh were here, you can go crazy bro, go crazy.  Ahh, toys why you expensive. Splurging is not allowed. I sad. 

  Well, I did all the weird stuff, just not with those specific four people, you know who you are, that I usually do them with. Sad life is sad. 

  School's kinda stressful. But meh. Get over it.  

  My landlady (or you could just call her Penny) once said: Sharing an apartment in uni is hard, everyone's cheap and everyone steals your food. Anticipation overwhelming. 

Cyanide and Happiness, you bring joy. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Where's my kaching?

Spending amnesia -
Trying to recall when and where you spent all your money, normally happens when that said money is required. 

I am pretty sure I suffer from spending amnesia. My money just disappears, like magic! Impulsive buyer. Oops. 

I jelly that freedom. That Aussy freedom I had. E.N.V.Y. Now wasn't that nice eh? I still don't get how KL works. Restricted much. 

Rank Up!

  I celebrated Malaysia Day with the Queen of Awesomasia. Pretty ironic ;) According to Kah Peng, Sunway would not be infested with people on a public holiday. He was wrong. Then according to Sabina, it took him forever to find a parking. And after that it almost took him forever to find the car. Oops. Car park help. Tsk tsk tsk.

  The line at the cinemas was totally creepy. I got there before Sabina and it was completely infested with people. I couldn't find the end of the line. Turns out the line ends in some dark corner that looks like tartarus. Everyone so desipo to watch movie, Johnny English had like, 5 seats left. And they're not joined in a row. Forever alone. Watch movie alone. 

  To all the children out there (regardless of age): Do not accept free candy. And ice cream trucks are pedobear in disguise. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, actually, just hide yo kids, because pedobear is out to get them. 

  Skating rink also infested. Infested with trolls. Y they so show off. What happens if my hand accidentally spasm and pushes them. What if. Haha. There was this photographer who kept asking if we wanted pictures. 3 times. I believe we have made our point, haha. He said to Sabina 'you must be a pretty successful person'. A winner is him! 

  Bshshsh, internet line is the crappy. Upload photos is the cannot. See the awesomeness of Ninja Joe is the not possible. Retreat to your imagination people. Retreat. 

Monday, September 12, 2011


Happy Mooncake Festival everyone!

  To all of you who are celebrating it at home or WITH YOUR CLOSE FRIENDS, you should know that I AM JELLY, VERY VERY JELLY. And if you don't appreciate it I will hunt you down and mail you off to some remote place you have never heard of :) Well, other than that, have a happy mid autumn festival thing. Eat lots of mooncakes, just go workout if you get fat. 

That's a very nice thought, never crossed your mind ehh ;) Haha

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Posted via calculator

  I got this really really complicated calculator. How do I use it?! It comes with a USB plug, what do I do with it?! It also comes with a manual. TL;DR. Too long, didn't read. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Kevin Chang is on the loose!

  Dilemma of the day: Which seat can I take?! But obviously, not the seat number which is printed on my boarding pass. I can take any seat except that one. Awkward. Some troll guy sat in my seat. 28F IS MY SEAT, MY WINDOW SEAT!!!1!1!! 28D IS YOUR SEAT. Y U ADD MORE SADNESS TO MY FLIGHT.

  A steward asked me what's my seat number. I showed him my boarding pass and he smiled. He smiled and say, oh, here's your seat. I looked at him. I stared at him. Subliminally  trying to say do you see the problem HERE?! But it didn't work. He didn't notice that extremely noticeable troll guy right next to the steward sitting in my seat. Bsh. 

  Solution: Sit next to troll guy and try to cause claustrophobia. Then realize next seat is empty and move away. Isolate troll guy. Thank you for flying in my seat. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

So I heard you were turning 18


You're now old. Like me. 
And you're legal. Like me. 
And you can get wasted. Like Ke$ha. Not me.
And you can party. Like Britney. Not me.
And then you can weep over your mostly lost youth years. Like me. 
And then you will have to accept the fact that you can't go back in time. 
Unless you fly back to UK.
And thennnnnnn
Lots of people will show up at your house today to partyyyy :) 

By the way, you're both 18 in Malaysian and UK time. I know. I checked. ;) 
You old. 

Which probably means pedobear won't get you.
Unless you follow an ice cream truck ;) 

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most, live the longest. True story. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

September *wink*

I now declare hiatus over. *awkward wink*

  Winks make conversations awkward. There was that one time a certain friend suddenly winked out of nowhere at me while I was talking to that certain friend about a certain non-wink worthy topic. Something like parking or cats or both. I cannot comprehend. Brain overload. Friend, what are you trying to do. Awkward winking. 

Hmmm, soooooo... What's up y'all. Awkward much.

  Two more days. Two more days and my totally awesome holidays are gonna end. I will miss you KOTA KINABALU a.k.a. Awesomasia :( When will I ever be home again. Home is relative. 

  My previous previous school hosted this sports meet thing which was totally worth it to watch. STTSS, y u splurge. They had fireworks! Like real ones for about 3 minutes, give or take, haha. Stun face, STTSS you awesome. In the afternoon, the sky looked like it was about to rain and I kept thinking: the look on the sponsor's face would be priceless if it rained ;) Yes, of course the fireworks were sponsored. I don't have photos, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen! Haha. 

Persona 3 songs have funny lyrics. I wonder how did they come up with it. 

When stars smile at moon, wonder how look in your eyes
Just dialling your number failing to press the last two

Shoji Meguro, seriously?! You high. 

Ahhh, the line's so slow. I can't upload face-palm inducing pictures. Oh well. Goodbye unlimited internet, I will be back.